Unleash Artificial Intelligence's Potential in Business

Truepixs Infotech the venture financing division of Truepixs Infotech, owns the portfolio company Walnut.ai, which specialises in converting antiquated systems into contemporary, efficient solutions that let companies leverage emerging technologies. Because of its sophisticated capabilities, it is simple to transform complex data into insights that can be put to use, leading to improved decision-making, more clarity, and faster decision-making. By offering cutting-edge solutions that streamline and improve corporate operations, Walnut.ai is dedicated to assisting companies in their endeavours.

What makes Walnut.ai unique?

AI models that are fully customised. Low-code or no-code AI platforms are not used by us. We code the solution for your use case after thoroughly understanding your business process, data, and needs.

Our models may be easily customised to meet your needs and integrate business rules (we don’t employ time forecasting tools like AWS forecast or Azure Auto ML).

Technology handover: The customer retains the trained models. To guarantee that your data stays with you, the training can be completed on-site with our engineers present.

Explainable AI: You can readily comprehend the AI’s decision-making process and the lessons it has learnt thanks to our completely explicable AI models.